Heterocephalus glaber


Order Rodentia


From nose to tail they are 3.25 in., tail is 1.5 in., and weight is 1-2 ounces. The queen may weigh as much as 3 ounces. The animal appears to be naked at first glance, but a few pale-colored hairs are scattered about the head and tail, there are prominent whiskers and a fringe of fine hair is present along the edges of the feet. Has no sweat glands or a subcutaneous fat layer like other mammals - that is why the skin is so wrinkly. Color: skin is pinkish or yellowish in color. Short, broad head, minute eyes, and no external ears, and very prominent incisor teeth.


Africa (Central and eastern Ethiopia, central Somalia, and Kenya).


Not protected in international trade.

Photos by Greg Neise



Found only in arid conditions and lives in an extensive and complex burrow system.
Herbivorous: feed mainly on roots, tubers and corms (underground stem base bearing scaly or membranous leaves). Preyed upon by burrowing reptiles.

Life History

Only known mammal that lives in a eusocial system (truel y social) consisting of 20-300 individuals, like that of bees, wasps, ants and termites. Divided into classes of hierarchy amongst the groups. One dominant, breeding female and 1-3 dominant breeding males. With them are 2-3 other non-working rats (soldiers) to take care of them and protect the colony when needed. The rest are workers that dig the tunnels and find food. They have up to 5 litters in a year that consist of 1-27 young. Newborns are blind and naked. The young are weaned 1-2 months and join the workers in the colony. Life span 15-20 years in captivity.

Special Adaptations

  • Strongest jaw muscle for a mammal its size.
  • Poorest capacity for thermoregulation of any known mammal. Body temperature is 88 degrees F. The stable temperatures in the burrows help maintain their body temperature.
  • Females aggressive dominance keeps other females from breeding.
  • All members of the group huddle together when sleeping
  • Incisor teeth used for digging.
  • Excess skin on sides of mouth fold in to prevent soil from being swallowed.